art is a tradition.

image of birdThroughout human history, the impulse to create art has existed around the world. Sensibilities evolved independently as a result of the resources available and the function of art within each culture. Over time, ideas met creating new aesthetics and practices. This is how the language of art developed and continues to develop.
Throughout he 20th century the “cult of the new” has prized originality above all else with every decade punctuated by a new school of expression each one fading quicker than the last. As it turns out, the fetish of newness is unsustainable. Art is a tradition. It is built on what has come before. Too often critics chant ‘it has been done’. The truth is it has ALL been done before. But, to discard an idea because it has been explored by others is to throw out the baby with the bath water. Just because something is new it doesn’t mean it is good. Now, I am not advocating one choose from the menu of art history and mindlessly imitate what has come before. One should emulate concepts not styles. The challenge is not to create something that has never been seen before but to contribute and move forward the tradition. The role of an artist is to process an idea with all the advantages, limitations, and context of the time they create in. Artists must ask themselves the daunting question, “what can I bring to this that is unique to me?” This type of originality is what artistic expression is all about. The language of art will continue to develop and change at its own pace. It need not be reinvented in order for a work to be exciting.